Thursday, November 7, 2013

PowerPoint Presentations

The subject of my PPT presentation was "Puppy Fashion." I really enjoyed making the PPT because it evolved a lot of my own photos. I learned a lot about animations because I was only given four slides for the entire PPT. I wish i had understood more about how to add videos into my PPT because my videos ended up not working while presenting. One of the only frustrating parts about my PPT was how long some of the transitions were, I didn't realize how long some of them were, it left some awkward pauses in my PPT. I really enjoyed Jake's presentation because it was very interactive and funny. His presentation kept the audience interested while still making a good point. His use of the PPT as well as personal presentation was great. I also enjoyed Meredith's presentation, her's was funny and topical. The transitions between slides were impressive and she had a good use of videos.  


  1. I absolutely enjoyed watching your presentation

  2. I loved your presentation! Hope your puppy stays fashion forward!

  3. Yours was definitely my favorite. Between the transitions, music, and humor it all flowed really well.
