Monday, October 14, 2013

True Lies

Ms. Salvo makes some very valid arguments about photo manipulation and how image editing software has changed how much people can really trust what they are seeing. Her argument about the tulip field is an interesting contradiction to how most people view image editing. When I personally think of photo editing I image someone using Photoshop to literally change what is seen. However, her tulip argument is that just by changing what the beholder focuses on, the photo has been edited. This is an interesting thought because by just changing the focus, the photos impact is completely changed. I find ethics in general to be an almost impossible subject to address since they can be different for every person. I have mixed feelings regarding photo manipulation, it does seem dishonest to edit a photo but at the same time if a photographer wants to give a photo a "feel" that the true image just doesn't show, than I understand how editing the photo is useful.

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